Saturday, 24 December 2011

Technical hitch

You will have noticed an disappointing lack of posts during December,  Unfortunately Blogger is not doing what it should and I am unable to upload any photos at all. 
So I can't share our Christmas preparations with you.  I am trying to find a way round this problem, so please bear with me.

In the meantime I hope you have wonderful Christmas, spent with the ones you love.

x X x

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

November in a nutshell

Can anyone tell me where November went please? I'm sure it was there at the end of October but I seem to have mislaid a whole month's worth of hours ....

It just seemed to speed by in a matter of moments. November in a nutshell was chauffeuring children to various social appointments/cinema/shopping trips, being very busy at school preparing for the many Christmas events that go hand-in-hand with a Catholic primary school and going out to lunch with family & friends. And of course the multitude of endless jobs and errands that one needs to keep on top of, if the family is to be fed, watered, clothed and generally looked after.

So my Christmas cards remain unwritten and gifts are not yet bought.

No different to last November then!
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Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Sweet Chilli & Apple Relish

Take lots of these:

Chop into pieces, skin, core, pips and all.
Add enough water to cover & cook until mushy.
Strain through a jelly bag and for every litre of apple juice add 1kg of sugar.
Crumble in dried chilli - these are homegrown from last year.  Remember to save some seeds to plant for next year's crop!
Bring to setting point and bottle in the ususal way.
I kept stirring mine to distribute the chillis through the jelly.
Its delicious with cold meat and can be added to marinades and sauces.

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Monday, 31 October 2011


We don't celebrate Halloween (and I really don't like the premise of 'Trick or Treat', to me it just sounds like a threat) but we do like to make pumpkin lanterns.

I'm having a go at drying the seeds too. 


If it works I'll be able to add them to homemade bread.
I'll let you know how I get on.

Here they are ....

not too scary ..... just a bit blurry - sorry.

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Pumpkin Festival

Slindon village is known for its annual Pumpkin Festival.  The locals put out scarecrows, mostly made with pumpkin heads.

I particularly like this rabbit even if he isn't sporting a pumpkin head!

I believe it started when a local gentleman who grew the pumpkins stored them on the roof of his shed where they were able to dry out and be protected from the weather.  It became very well known and he would make a different pumpkin picture each year.  After the old gentleman passed away, his son carried on the tradition.  This year it's a picture of a laden wheelbarrow.

There were loads of different varieties on sale.

This mammoth one was for display only!

We chose a few - a couple to carve into lanterns and a couple to cook with. 
More pictures to follow ....
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Sunday, 30 October 2011

Camper van

I long for a VW camper van

so my younger daughter made one for me!
For those in the know it is a 1965 EZ, but I expect you can tell that already!

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Friday, 28 October 2011


Happy Birthday to our lovely younger daughter.
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How did the last 11 years go by so quickly?
Her request was a Chocolate Fudge Cake topped with fizzy Haribos.

How could I refuse?

I should have posted this on the 23rd but we've been a bit busy, so here is belated Happy Birthday post for Small x


 My brother & his wife had tickets to see La boheme at Glyndebourne, but sadly it clashed with a football match he also had tickets for.

My sister-in-law knows I like a bit of opera and asked if I'd like to go in his place. 
Of course I would!

We had a little picnic in the beautiful grounds beforehand.

The auditorium is new, with a covered area for inclement weather - not that we needed it as the sun shone.

It was a brilliant performance and I loved every minute of it.

I'm glad Brighton were playing at home!

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Monday, 17 October 2011


When we were at the beach last weekend, a flock of geese suddenly appeared.  I think they had been resting on some rocks further along.  They hovered just above the water - their feet and wings just tapping on the surface. 
Then they swept down the beach in a long, long line - one after another, following the leader.

They veered round
and then organised themselves into a crocodile again and careered off towards the West.
and disappeared from view.
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Sunday, 16 October 2011


 Here are some photos from last Sunday.  It was such a beautiful, warm & sunny afternoon, the girls and I couldn't bear to stay in.  My husband and the dog were both exhausted after a busy week on the farm, but we persuaded them to come out with us.
Actually, the dog needed no persuading - as soon as he realised we were getting ready to go out, he sat by the front door, waiting to be invited.  We rarely go to the beach. I suppose we just don't appreciate what's on our doorstep.

I don't think my pictures can capture just how beautiful the beach looked.  The light was fantastic.  It was one of those perfect afternoons.

Jed's ears blowing in the wind.

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