Wednesday, 30 November 2011

November in a nutshell

Can anyone tell me where November went please? I'm sure it was there at the end of October but I seem to have mislaid a whole month's worth of hours ....

It just seemed to speed by in a matter of moments. November in a nutshell was chauffeuring children to various social appointments/cinema/shopping trips, being very busy at school preparing for the many Christmas events that go hand-in-hand with a Catholic primary school and going out to lunch with family & friends. And of course the multitude of endless jobs and errands that one needs to keep on top of, if the family is to be fed, watered, clothed and generally looked after.

So my Christmas cards remain unwritten and gifts are not yet bought.

No different to last November then!
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Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Sweet Chilli & Apple Relish

Take lots of these:

Chop into pieces, skin, core, pips and all.
Add enough water to cover & cook until mushy.
Strain through a jelly bag and for every litre of apple juice add 1kg of sugar.
Crumble in dried chilli - these are homegrown from last year.  Remember to save some seeds to plant for next year's crop!
Bring to setting point and bottle in the ususal way.
I kept stirring mine to distribute the chillis through the jelly.
Its delicious with cold meat and can be added to marinades and sauces.

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