I made cushion covers!
I had the red gingham fabric left over from a previous (un-started) project. I made four covers, as you can see. They are paisley on one side and gingham on the other. So pretty ....
This is my new toy. I have wanted a sewing machine for ages and saw this on offer in a magazine. It was too good a price to ignore.
It's fab - very easy to use. My memories of sewing machines are from tedious textiles lessons when I was about 14 and this is a world away from that - fortunately!
I also made the panels for the new wardrobe in our younger daughter's bedroom. Only problem was that I sewed the Velcro on the wrong side - duh - still, unpicking and re-sewing it, did give me more practice.
They look much nicer in real-life!
So that is her room completely finished.
Just have to decorate and re-carpet our older daughter's room now.
Those cushions look so nice! You are doing well with that new sewing machine.