Our family is split into two camps. The potato lovers and the potato loathers.
My husband and younger daughter LOVE them in all forms. My older daughter falls in to the later category. She really doesn't like them and won't eat them at all, except occasionally in crisp or chip form, or if she is at someone else's house and it would be too rude to leave them! I sit somewhere between the two.
I can recommend this though.
Start by frying sliced onions with a teaspoon of sugar for about 15 - 20 minutes.
Whilst they are cooking, thinly slice potatoes (not new ones). If you use a food processor and get them nice and thin there is no need to par-boil. If not, par-boil for about 10 minutes and drain.
Mix the potatoes in creme fraiche. I used half tub of sour cream and chive dip - worked a treat.

Layer a third of the potatoes in an oven-proof dish, spread over half the onions, repeat with another layer of potatoes, the rest of the onions and then finally the remainder of the potatoes.
My husband and younger daughter LOVE them in all forms. My older daughter falls in to the later category. She really doesn't like them and won't eat them at all, except occasionally in crisp or chip form, or if she is at someone else's house and it would be too rude to leave them! I sit somewhere between the two.
I can recommend this though.
Start by frying sliced onions with a teaspoon of sugar for about 15 - 20 minutes.
Whilst they are cooking, thinly slice potatoes (not new ones). If you use a food processor and get them nice and thin there is no need to par-boil. If not, par-boil for about 10 minutes and drain.
Mix the potatoes in creme fraiche. I used half tub of sour cream and chive dip - worked a treat.
Layer a third of the potatoes in an oven-proof dish, spread over half the onions, repeat with another layer of potatoes, the rest of the onions and then finally the remainder of the potatoes.
Carefully pour in half a pint of light stock and sprinkle cheese on the top.
Bake for about an hour and quarter, or until the potatoes are cooked through. Let it cool for a bit before serving.
A lot less fattening than dauphinoise.