Saturday, 12 May 2012


It has stopped raining.  My life!  Was I sick of the rain.  As a keen gardener, I kept telling myself that it was 'good for the garden' and that 'we really need it to rain' but actually all those grey skies were making me sad.  :(

At last the rain clouds have disappeared and to prove it, here is a blue sky.  The sort of sky one would expect to see in May.

The garden is in a sorry state.  The pots are drowned and the grass is water logged.
There is good news though.  I am fond of Periwinkles but with the chicken-vandals, I have not had any success.  But look what I found:

And this little native viola has self-seeded too. 

The grapevine has sprung into life.

 Grape recipes gratefully received.
I do hope it stays dry for a while.
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  1. I know exactly how you feel, all the rain and the damp just makes me feel sort of damp inside and I need to be dried out. Come on summer hurry up!
    Lovely looking garden, you must be so proud!

    1. Thank you - I only show the nice bits of the garden! I'm keeping the bald lawn and weeds out of shot x


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