Monday, 16 April 2012

Bathroom - before

First, I must apologise for the quality of the photos.  They were taken in a hurry before the old bathroom disappeared for ever.  We have had plans to revamp the bathroom ever since we bought our house, so it has only taken us 18 years to finally put our plans into action.  The problem  being, it had been recently refitted before we moved in, so although it was not to our taste we couldn't really justify ripping it out and more to the point, we couldn't afford it anyway.

On the plus side, it was a white suite, but on the other hand,  I really, really loathed the scalloped edges and did I mention the gold taps? I guess they were of their time. 

The room is quite a decent size, and would probably have started life as a bedroom  The previous owners had installed a corner bath - but it didn't fit right into the corner of the room, so a lot of space was wasted.  It also took FOREVER to fill up.  Not very eco-friendly in these water-shortage times.

The tiles needed to come off before the new suite could be fitted.  What we didn't factor in was the likelihood that the plaster would come away with the tiles .....

Emergency plastering was required. We called a friend who gave up his weekend without a second thought.  Big thanks to Mr B. 

The new suite went in without a hitch, and my husband re-tiled.  This was about 3 months ago.  Since then we have been trying to decide what to put on the floor.  I brought home samples and left then in the bathroom.  I tried to like them, but they were so tame.  We went back to the shop and asked to see more samples.  At the very first one we saw, both my husband and I said 'that's the one'.
It is being put down now as I type.  

The big reveal will be tomorrow ............

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